Unlocking Value tailored 
Pricing Plans for Success

Discover the perfect plan for your journey with Builderly. Our pricing options are designed to provide you with the flexibility and features you need to thrive.

E-mail template builder
E-mail sending tool - up-to 100 emails per day

Add-on to all plans

All Available features and functionalities with the following resources:

Storage capacity: 1,000 images + 10GB
Server specs: CPU: 1 vCPU; RAM: 950 MB; RAM Boost: None
Domain: Full DNS Access
SSL: Included & Managed
Load: up-to 10,000 user sessions per month
Commission per card transaction: 4.4% + €0.25 (combined Builderly & Stripe)
Server-side rendered website: Included
Progressive Web App: Included
AppStore & Google Play deployment: €120 per store deployment
On-demand support: Included
Custom developments or functionalities: €60 per work hour

All from Pro plan + the following resources:

Storage capacity: Unlimited images + 50GB
Server specs: CPU: 2 vCPU; RAM: 3.6 GB; Boost: up-to 7.2 GB Burst
Load: up-to 20,000 user sessions per month
Commission per card transaction: 4.1% + €0.25 (combined Builderly & Stripe)
Support for automations and integrations: Included

All from Pro Plus plan + the following resources:

Storage capacity: Unlimited images + 150GB
Server specs: CPU: 5 vCPU; RAM: 9 GB; Boost: up-to 18 GB Burst
Load: up-to 50,000 user sessions per month
Commission per card transaction: 3.8% + €0.25 (combined Builderly & Stripe)
Support for automations and integrations: Included

All from Pro Plus plan + the following resources:

Storage capacity: Unlimited
Server specs: Unlimited
Load: Unlimited
Commission per card transaction: less than 3.8% + €0.25 (combined Builderly & Stripe)
Support for automations and integrations: Included
CloudFlare protection: Icluded
Custom developments and functionalities: Can be included on-demand

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Builderly's Emailing tool - Currently free

E-mail template builder
E-mail sending tool - up-to 100 emails per day

Add-on to all plans

Pro plan - from €29.50/mo

All Available features and functionalities with the following resources:

Storage capacity: 1,000 images + 10GB
Server specs: CPU: 1 vCPU; RAM: 950 MB; RAM Boost: None
Domain: Full DNS Access
SSL: Included & Managed
Load: up-to 10,000 user sessions per month
Commission per card transaction: 4.4% + €0.25 (combined Builderly & Stripe)
Server-side rendered website: Included
Progressive Web App: Included
AppStore & Google Play deployment: €120 per store deployment
On-demand support: Included
Custom developments or functionalities: €60 per work hour

Pro Plus plan - from €74.35/mo

All from Pro plan + the following resources:

Storage capacity: Unlimited images + 50GB
Server specs: CPU: 2 vCPU; RAM: 3.6 GB; Boost: up-to 7.2 GB Burst
Load: up-to 20,000 user sessions per month
Commission per card transaction: 4.1% + €0.25 (combined Builderly & Stripe)
Support for automations and integrations: Included

Pro Unlimited plan - from €272.25/mo

All from Pro Plus plan + the following resources:

Storage capacity: Unlimited images + 150GB
Server specs: CPU: 5 vCPU; RAM: 9 GB; Boost: up-to 18 GB Burst
Load: up-to 50,000 user sessions per month
Commission per card transaction: 3.8% + €0.25 (combined Builderly & Stripe)
Support for automations and integrations: Included

Enterprise plan - contact us

All from Pro Plus plan + the following resources:

Storage capacity: Unlimited
Server specs: Unlimited
Load: Unlimited
Commission per card transaction: less than 3.8% + €0.25 (combined Builderly & Stripe)
Support for automations and integrations: Included
CloudFlare protection: Icluded
Custom developments and functionalities: Can be included on-demand